


problem set





  1. 图像特征映射器(Image Feature Mapper)

    首先对低分辨率图像进行最近邻重采样,得到拼接后的输入图像 I_cat(一层HR,一层LR,2C x H x W)

    使用邻域编码器 F_E 和全局编码器 F_A 提取图像特征,得到特征图 I_fea(C_fea x H x W)

  2. 位置编码器(Positional Encoder)

    使用傅里叶特征和空间坐标嵌入,得到位置编码 E(x,y,t)

  3. 像素合成器(Pixel Synthesizer)

    根据 I_fea、E(x,y,t) 和随机向量 z,独立地合成每个像素值

    具体来说,G_p 包含以下几个关键组件:

    1. 映射函数 g_z:
      • 它将位置编码 E(x,y,t) 映射到一个 C_fea 维的向量。
      • 这个映射函数帮助 G_p 学习如何利用位置信息来生成对应位置的像素值。
    2. 样式注入模块:
      • 首先使用一个多层感知机 M 将噪声向量 z 映射到一个样式向量 w。
      • 然后在 G_p 的多个全连接层中注入这个样式向量 w,以保持生成像素之间的样式一致性。
    3. 逐像素生成:
      • 对于每个坐标(x,y,t),G_p 根据 I_fea(x,y)、g_z(E(x,y,t)) 和 w 独立地生成对应的像素值。
      • 这种逐像素、条件独立的生成方式使得 G_p 可以并行高效地生成整张高分辨率图像。


  4. 对抗训练

    引入判别器 D 进行对抗训练,以提高生成图像的质量

Today, as I delved into a paper on dense shape matching and downloaded the dataset, I found myself interested in how these datasets pertaining to shape matching store correspondences between pairs of shapes. Namely, I am curious about how they preserve the ground truth of these correspondences. Then I chose SMAL dataset to conduct my research on this issue. It’s a dataset containing information on animals.

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It has been 6 months since I visited Singapore for a summer school program at NTU. I must write something about that month there, which left a lasting impact on me. With that being said, I don’t want to delve too deeply into it and just show something I encountered.

In this part, I will write about the flight, living and studying aspects.

Tours, eating and other sections will be included in the next part.

got on board a southbound seven eighty-seven

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